Logistics and Transport Management
Mashi, O.K.
01 December 2021
Energy Harnessing from Bus Rapid Transit Vehicles through Deformable Speed Bumps: a Case of Dar es Salaam BRT System, Tanzania
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BRT buses weights, Hydraulic accumulator, Energy, Transport.
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system is an effective way of commuting passengers in cities. This study investigates possibility of harnessing energy from weights of the bus rapid transit vehicles. An experimental method was used on a testing set consisting of fluid power devices to simulate movements of loaded buses approaching the passengers’ stations. Buses weighing between 7-9 tons and moving at speed range of 10-25km/h were deployed. A hydraulic accumulator was used to store the energy converted from the vehicle weights through a hydraulic system located under a deformable speed bump. The BRT buses used in Dar es Salaam were used in capturing their weights for that purpose. Results indicate that with the speed bump proposed for BRT buses, weights can be converted into energy through hydraulic accumulators. Under minimum operating conditions, the deployed buses could generate 190.67 kJ after every 57 tyre passes over the bumps.