Operation Research
Msaki, H.
01 June 2018
Challenges of OPRAS in Public Sector Organizations: a Case of Immigration Department, Dar es Salaam
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The aim of the study was to assess the implementation of Open Performance Review Appraisal System (OPRAS) at the department of immigration based in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. Questionnaires and interviews were used to gather relevant data needed to assess the implementation of OPRAS at the area of study. Thus, systematic sampling technique was used to select participants of the study and purposive sampling was used to select key informants from the Ministry of Home Affairs and 10 technical and professional staff. A total of 80 questionnaires were distributed to all participants and interviews were administered to heads of departments, directors and supervisors. Only 10 informants were interviewed from professionals and technical staff. Data analysis was done with the assistance of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS- 12.0 versions). Findings show that the department of migration is facing numerous challenges in managing OPRAS including lack of knowledge, motivation, commitment, support, budgetary constraints and prioritization. The outlined challenges are pronounced to make the implementation of OPRAS system inefficient. Finally, the study recommends to the government to monitor OPRAS implementation in public institutions effectively operationalize its mission as aspired by the policy.