Transport Safety Management
Francis Muya
01 June 2017
Assessment of InterCity’s Bus Passengers Satisfaction with Technical Safety and Quality of Service Standards (TESQUASS) in Tanzania
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Intercity’s Bus Passengers, Satisfaction, Technical Safety, Quality of Service, Standards
The main objective of this study was to assess passengers’ satisfaction with intercity transport services. The study adopted realism philosophy and case design. 321 respondents were selected randomly as sample size. Interview guide and questionnaires were used as tools for data collection. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences and qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings reveal varying levels of passenger’s satisfaction with the technical safety and quality of services standards which indicates varying degrees of compliance by the bus operators and owners. However, Passenger’s satisfaction and choice of intercity buses depends on the level of music sound in the buses and the video shown in the buses. The study recommends that regulatory authority in the transport sector should make continued monitoring of intercity buses compliance with standards available. Furthermore bus owners and operators should monitor customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction surveys.