Educational Research
Lushakuzi, S.S
01 June 2017
Analysis of Entrepreneurship Characteristics and the Development of Micro-Business Enterprises in Kinondoni Municipality - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Entrepreneurship Characteristics, Development and Micro-Business Enterprises
This article analyses the entrepreneurship characteristics in the development of the microbusiness enterprises in Kinondoni district. The main argument in this study is that despite the fact that entrepreneurship knowledge that has been provided formally and informally country wide, and the fact that, majority of the citizens depended on entrepreneurship for income generation; most of the micro-business enterprises (MBEs) did not raise their capital size. The study tried to look on entrepreneurs’ development basing on the development of their entrepreneurial activities which became stunted for a number of years. The literature review clang on the discovery and creation theory of entrepreneurship, which emphasized on skills, attitudes and values to be the key success indicators in the entrepreneurship. The study adopted the case study design, involving 152 respondents in the sample. Primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed by using SPSS. Findings revealed that micro-entrepreneurship activities failed to develop because entrepreneurs did not have appropriate characteristics. This study therefore recommends that the government and others interested in the micro-entrepreneurship should disseminate clearly the entrepreneurship characteristics to the micro-entrepreneurs.